John and Viv Abernethy
John with Phillip McCall & his daughter Ellie-Louise
Stephen Cairns with his winning Jos-Van-Olmen
Liam Woodside, Paul McCartan, John Abernethy and Darren Woodside.
Ronnie Williamson with Viv
John with Rodney Adamson, co-winners of the Corcreaney breeder-buyer £2000 prize, with good friend Colin Gibson.
Soontjens in the aviary
Hartog cock on eggs
Gaby stock in aviary.
Gaby cock and hen.
Gaby cock.
Gaby hen.
Gaby cock.
Gaby hen.
Leo Van-Rijn cock.
White Grizzels stock loft.
Two Grizzel chicks.
Two young birds ready for sale.
Young bird racing loft
Old bird racing loft.
Jim Young and Sid Grainger, Midweek Race winners.
Rob Hunter and P. Brown of Telford & Brown, Midweek Race winners.
Some of the midweek racing participants enjoying a cup of tea.
Midweek racing race-marking helpers.
Viv with "Miss Emma", 2nd Open Young Bird Derby
John with one of his winning young birds.
Young white Grizzel ready for collection.
Young birds ready for sale.
Young birds ready for collection.
April snow.