Midweek Race Result 21/8/13

Top Ulster Fed loft of Johnston Bros of the Andersonstown Club takes the top spot this week and the £50 prize in a very close race from Navan. Jim McAlorum of the Grosvenor Club had a good day to take 2nd and 3rd place to collect a total of £50. 

The birds made excellent time and everybody was well placed with their returns, with a total of 1800 birds on board our 2 transporters of racers and trainers, it made for a good race.

We would like to thank all the fanciers who come along and support this venture.

We plan to have our next race on Wed 28th with birds race marked at Harmony Lofts on Tuesday 27th between 7pm and 9pm. Come along, you will be very welcome.

Full result as follows:

  1. Johnston Bros 1627

  2. J McAlorum & Son 1623

  3. J McAlorum & Son 1622

  4. T & L Cooke 1620

  5. T & L Cooke 1620

  6. T & L Cooke 1620

  7. Paul Carson & Son 1616

  8. A & A Ferran 1616

  9. A & A Ferran 1616

  10. Paul Carson & Son 1616



Michael Johnston and Martin Johnston receiving their winnings of £50 from Viv of Harmony Lofts

Jim McAlorum with grandson Niall being congratulated on winning 2nd and 3rd place and £50