Midweek Race Result 13/08/14 - Navan

Our Midweek race got off to a very wet start this morning with heavy rain & poor visibility. Putting our trust in what Barra Best when predicted the day would improve around lunchtime we set off to Navan with both transporters and with a west-north-west wind it made for a very steady race.

From Newry to Navan the weather was fine, high cloud & the sun peeping through. Our planned lib time was 12.15 but on phoning our contacts en-route home we decided to hold the birds to 1.15. This proved to be the correct decision & the birds were liberated at 1.15 & cleared immediately. With the west in the wind the fast birds were next the coast.

The in form loft of Tommy Horner Crossgar had a super day taking the top 3 positions with his Harmony Lofts team of young birds. As you can see from the result many of the lofts were clocking within seconds of each other. Many thanks to the great support for our Midweek race, also to the faithful helpers who make race marking run smoothly each week.


  1. Tommy Horner 1394.11

  2. Tommy Horner 1393.82

  3. Tommy Horner 1393.82

  4. J Porter & Son 1389.65

  5. J Porter & Son 1389.38

  6. A & A Ferran 1387.77

  7. Jim Braniff 1387.32

  8. J Porter & Son 1386.4

  9. Johnston Bros. 1386.12

  10. Alec Crawford 1385.66

  11. McAuley, Kells & Bowles 1385.34

  12. M Croskery 1385.01

  13. Brian Muckian 1383.53

  14. R Taylor 1381.74

  15. Brian Muckian 1381.17

Tommy being presented with his £100 winnings from Viv 

Our two transporters on site ready for liberation

Birds drift off towards the North.