Another fantastic turnout of racers and trainers.
With both transporters nicely filled we made our first Lib at Castlebellingham at 11.30. Then it was on to Navan. Wind was stiff S.E. and the birds were gone in seconds. A fast race was expected.
Johnston Bros had the leading bird with a excellent Vel. 2065. and collected £50 - well done boys!
Arter O'Hanlon took 2nd place and £30, and J.J. going well with the Cocks this week to finish 3rd and lifting £20.
Many thanks to all who race and train with HARMONY.
John & Viv.
1. Johnston Bros 2065.133
2. A O'Hanlon 2059.549
3. J Jackson 2057.384
4. S O'Halloran & Son 2056.781
5. Bowen & Currell 2048.872
6. J Jackson 2047.554
7. Bowen & Currell 2047.532
8. Johnston Bros 2047.340
9. Bowen & Currell 2047.086
10. Bowen & Currell 2045.491