Hot Spot Racing Weekend 3/8/13

A super weekend for Kincaid & McCann on winning 1st Club Dunedin, 3rd Section D & 7th Open with 21,000 birds competing. Billy & Ivan collect £50 with bird ring No 23197 vel 2026. Well done boys!

Another good bird in Dunedin club raced by Cowan & McCartney takes 2nd Club, 4th Section D & 13th Open & claims 2nd Hot Spot with bird ring No 23273 vel 2019 winning £30. Tommy Peel of Carrick Social takes 3rd Hot Spot & 4th Club, 30th Section C & 44th Open with bird ring No 23368 vel 2003 winning £20.

Well done to the many fanciers who phoned in top club results. 

Remember if you're not in, you can't win.

Ivan McCann (r) with wee Jim, loft manager.

Tommy Peel, Carrick Social