Hot Spot Results - 17/05/2014

This is the final HOT SPOT result for our old bird season. The excellent racing loft of Jimmy Burrows had a super race from Rosscarbery National to clock four of our birds 16th 23rd 29th 105th OPEN 9th 14th 19th 51st SECTION C.

The bird that wins the HOT SPOT and £50 plus a nice sum for Jimmy in prize and pools is GB 13 D 23176 bred from our Gaby stock. As a y/b it won 1st SECTION and 4th OPEN also 12th OPEN INFC SKIB. Its nest mate also won 16th SECTION C 71st OPEN from 19,390 birds. I had two brothers from the next round and they both won 1st club.

Well done Jimmy.

Our Y/B HOT SPOTS will commence approx. 2nd y/b race. Look forward to hearing from you all.  

Regards John & Viv.