Our final Hot Spot for 2014.
Saturday saw a light east wind with overcast conditions which made for difficult flying. With N.I.P.A in Rosscarberry, U.F. and E.D.C. in Skibbereen and close liberation times all the birds had an equal chance.
Dennis Irvine from our own Harmony H.P.S. Club clocked a good bird with a vel of 1325 Ring no. 10512 to finish 26th Section D and 154th Open and wins £50. Bingham & Seaton clocked their Grizzle cock 10404 Vel 1300 for 39th Section C; the boys collect another £30 to add to their excellent season with our birds. E.D.C. partnership of Cowan & McCartney had a good race clocking bird 10325 for 18th Section and 23rd Open to win £20.
Viv and I would like to thank all the fanciers who purchased young birds from us for the 2014 season. Many top performance results have been achieved. Of course, they don't all win as young birds. My best racing pigeon ever was never on the clock as a young bird, put him on Widowhood and bingo!