With the NIPA birds racing from Tullamore they made the best times. The ever-consistent loft of Jimmy Burrows of the Eastway Club took the top position and winning £50 with bird GB15 30034 Vel 2015, winning 9th Section C and 31st open from 21,847 birds.
Another loft having a good year with our birds is that of R & A Gore of the Hillsborough & Maze Club. Robert clocked bird 30443 with a Vel of 1999 winning 3rd club, 36th section D, and 89th Open and lifting £30.
The in-form loft of Philip Mc Call of Markethill had a good bird taking 10th Section E and 277th Open with bird 30410 Vel 1964 and winning £20. Many thanks to all those who contacted us with their Vels, many of them winning top club positions but just missing out a HOT-SPOT prize.
John & Viv.